
Konferanse "Italia og massemedia", Universitetet i Bergen, 17.-19.november 2011

The Conference is organised by the Italian section of the Department of Foreign languages at the University of Bergen, in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Institute of Culture in Norway.

Media, through different languages, play a significant role in education,
information and entertainment. Such languages are creative, fascinating and
influence people´s way of thinking and behaving, but can also be
reiterative and banal, and have a dangerous 'seductive' power towards those
people who don't possess skills enough to understand their traps.

The study of media in Italy is extremely interesting and challenging,
considering also links among political power, media and communication. The
2 days long Conference aims at giving a platform to interact and discuss
the role of language in the Italian mass media nowadays, involving scholars
from different disciplines.

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